Monday, May 30, 2011

haiku 51

she told me
you're the jelly to my peanutbutter
let's get sticky

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It all started with a kiss....

Sunset stars clashed with waters of high tides cause attraction to form beneath a clear sky
Your eyes....
Acted as bate to capture my survival strategies
While I try to adapt to the surroundings around me
Like redundancy
Your Tung.....
Chopping up words of different languages
Leaving impressing on my skin
Forcing me to wear it inside out
Cause I know the thought of it staying
Should never flow through my veins
Your hugs....
Also addictive;
Writing temptation on ripped pieces of paper
Sealing it in bottles of whisky
 Like a bati bwoys message
Your smile....
Lighting up like bobby joints
Killing to get a hit
I wanna hit;
 turn my worries into laughter tea time
Your fingers....
Produce some of the best licks that not even lollipop lickers attempt to compete with your amperdectrious
Your voice.....
Takes a toll on my soul when combined
With your gifts;
My feet sink beneath the concrete
As if quick sand made me
As time passes I waist it
Wanted to communicate with your finest features
Before overwhelmed by forget till presence achieves permanent agreements

There's just something about you
That’s quite a catch
Just to think It all started with a kiss