Saturday, April 23, 2011

25/30 "Path Train Ride"

NOTE: this is a question prompt inspired by many.....Thanks

Why must they awkwardly stare as if i cant see their pupils filling the corner of their sockets?

I wonder if they see my halo shaped horns

How come the Asians in front of me stress over make-up that don’t really make them anymore American than Mexicans

"No Racial"


Do that little boy on the trice know his father is paying no attention to his childhood experience

Why must this path train smell worse than bums in alphabet city

Why must people stare at me

Do the guy beside me realize I’m writing a poem

Is he afraid what i might say about him and his talking timbs

Do the Russians in the corner really thank the Hindu believe they're from Liberia

Where the little boy on the trice

Has my ride come to a stop

Do the pretty lady in the front realize outside there's a storm

Why must they stare at my continuous hand movement across my keyboard

I wonder if the Dominicans parallel from know i understand everything they're saying

damn "ella es divertida, pero voy a buscar su bolso"

Should I respond with a simple "el no es mi tipo" before getting off to fuck their heads up

Why the hell is everyone looking at me

Am I having one of those moments where my thoughts aren't really thoughts but actual verbal communication

Where’s that little boy

Why is the father holding a empty trice

Why is everyone fucking staring at me

Who's the guy with the red bull

And lady with old school bandana

Since when the train became an athletic fitness club

Why is everyone staring at me????

Oh maybe its because my music can be heard throughout the whole cart

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